Registration Info

U7C 2018-2019 TBD TBD
U9C 2016-2017 TBD TBD
U11C 2014-2015 TBD TBD
U13C 2012-2013 TBD TBD
U15C 2010-2011 TBD TBD
U17C 2008-2009 TBD TBD
U20C 2005-2007 TBD


You can now register for the Enderby Minor Fastball Association 2025 season.

The RAMP TEAM app has been updated to V2.0 so please delete the old version and download the new one from the App Store on your device. All your login information should be the same if you previously registered with EMFA.

  1. Please have a copy of your participant's birth certificate ready to upload as that will be required for both first time and previous participants. Although we have ported over all participant information, a new copy of the birth certificate is required to provide to RAMP. 
  2. You will also need your Softball BC Lifetime membership#. (Previously registered participants will have their membership# ported over in their info)
  3. Parent/Guardian information will need to be re-submitted. Only previously registered participant info will be available.

The Softball BC Lifetime Membership is a one time $10 fee. Follow this link:

To login and register follow this link:

For a list of all registration packages without logging in, follow this link:

Payment can be made by Credit Card or E-transfer. There will be a 2.2% processing fee added to credit card payments.

The RAMP TEAM app will be the main method of communication for each team and their coaches. More details to follow once teams are setup.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Enderby Minor Fastball Thanks Our Sponsors!

RAMP Registration

Join thousands of association partners using RAMP Registration Solutions.

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RAMP Official Assigning

#1 with Officials...for very good reasons.

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RAMP Websites

Manage your identity from the palm of your hand to the top of your desk.

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RAMP Team App

Keep your coaches, parents, athletes, and fans connected, seamlessly.

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